Slowly finding my way.

I have a feeling supper is going to be the hardest for me to veganize. I have my stock cereal breakfast that works well for me, and then lunch is usually something quick and easy. Dinner, however, I like to think about and plan out, while at the same time being lazy and only wanting what’s convenient. I like to make whatever takes less than 15 minutes. I have a feeling that by becoming vegan I’m going to have to make time for making my meal. That’s okay with me, I want to learn. Today for dinner I made spelt/wheat germ/flaxseed crusted tofu baked in the oven, and then I made an avocado bruschetta and put it on top with some alfalfa sprouts. I microwaved some butternut squash and then my boyfriend pan-seared it. It turned out really good! And it was actually fun playing around with a recipe to find what I liked, and what worked. I think I have this notion in my head that in order to be a good vegan I have to be able to make big lavished vegan meals to prove to everyone I’m doing it right. That’s not necessary. I can still do simple recipes that are comfortable. I want to teach myself that. I just have to try to avoid dairy or eggs. Cheese will be hard for me to give up. I love my cheese! So in the spirit of that, I’ve decided to allow myself “cheat days”.. A day where I am allowed to stray, and eat something non-vegan. I will start out doing it once a week, just until I’m eased into the routine, and then lessen it to once a month, and then hopefully phase it out once I get my bearings. This week will be fish. My dad is having a get together, and his fiancée makes a mean Jamaican grouper!  So I will allow myself to have some, and for the rest of the day/weekend I will be vegan. I can do it, I know I can. I just need to get used to it. 

The Obligatory First Post.

Hi all!

My name is Katie. I’m a brand new vegan, but a vegetarian veteran. I have been a vegetarian for almost 10 years. I will admit, at times I am lax on what I consider vegetarian (ie. I LOVE sushi and fish), but for the most part I am careful about what animal products I put in my body, and how often. I have decided that I want to try and be a bit more strict when it comes to eating. I have decided I am going to eat as much of a vegan diet as I can. I still plan on treating myself every so often to sushi or fish, but that will be it. I’d like to lose weight, but also I would just like to feel cleaner.

In this blog I plan to talk about my obstacles, recipes I’ve tried (I will give credit where it’s due, if I don’t please tell me and I’ll make the proper adjustments), whether they were good or not, etc. I am not a cook, in fact I am just about the laziest person when it comes to cooking. I don’t have the patience for making nice meals, but I want to change that, and this is how!

Welcome to my vegan venture! 🙂