Cheat Day is Upon Us

Today is my cheat day. Until I have fully gotten adjusted, I am allowing myself one cheat day a week.. which will be reduced to one a month, and then hopefully none. I am extremely excited, because cheat day today falls on Jamaican Day! My father, brother and I have a fairly new tradition that once a month we hang out and watch whatever pay-per-view wrestling is on. Today it’s Summer Slam! I’m not a huge fan of wrestling, but I go for the Jamaican food. My dad’s fiancée is Jamaican, and an amazing cook! She cooks grouper, and snapper, as well two side dishes called Bami and Festival. My mouth is watering just talking about them! They are so good.
As dedicated as I want to be to doing this, I have decided that I am making the conscious choice not to feel guilty. I am still starting out, and I am still learning. Considering this has been my first week, I think I have done pretty good! I have already made quinoa for tomorrow to prepare my lunches for the week, so that I can stay on track. So let cheat day commence! 

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