Who Says We Have To Be Perfect?

I slipped. My boyfriend and I went out for Indian last night, to a place that usually has decent vegan dishes, but alas today they didn’t. My boyfriend’s response? “We’re already here.. I don’t want to leave”. So I did the best I could, but I ended up with one dish that had cream in it. I had a gnawing feeling in my stomach all night. I felt so guilty. I so easily could have said “No, I want to go somewhere else.” but the fact is, I didn’t. I got the dish that has cream, and I ate it. Don’t get me wrong, it was delicious, but was it worth it?

I woke up this morning looking at it from a different perspective. Sure, I could have stood my ground, but the fact is I didn’t. I made the choice to eat the non-vegan dish. Sure, I could feel bad about every little decision I make, and shame myself into full time veganism.. but who wants that? I want being a healthy vegan to be something that exhilarates me, and something I am proud of. I am coming to terms with the fact that the only way that’s going to happen is by accepting when I make a mistake. It’s going to happen, and it’s probably going to keep happening. So rather than dwelling on it, I need to accept that it happened and move on. Plain and simple.

In the meantime I made delicious vegan cinnamon rolls. That  helped me push past it. 😉

1385449_10153329642350142_1538140861_nI am not a natural baker, but these delicious puppies made me proud!